Revised Confined Space Regulations published by Health & Safety Executive

The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has recently revised its Confined Space Regulations ‘Approved Code of Practice’ document, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to review the guidance in relation to gas detection.

The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) provides practical advice on how you can comply with the requirements of the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.

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What is a time-weighted average? Chris explains the importance of them when toxic substances are involved

Last week we looked at the toxic gas, Hydrogen sulphide, and briefly went through TWAs, so I thought this week I’d go into more detail about TWAs and the importance of them, especially when coming into contact with toxic gases.

As mentioned last week, toxic gases are considered to be those gases that can cause injury, illness or a reduced length or quality of life. Low concentration may not cause a problem or be noticed, but prolonged exposure may cause chronic illness or even premature death. The regulatory bodies are constantly working on acceptable exposure limits and these must be remembered when considering the purchase of a toxic gas detector.

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The Health & Safety at Work Act is celebrating 40 strong years

By Louise Early, Strategic Industry Manager

Protecting millions of British workers and reducing incidents of occupational death, serious injury and ill health, The Health & Safety at Work Act is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health & safety in Britain.

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