Detecting VOCs with PID – how it works

Having recently shared our video on pellistors and how they work, we thought it would make sense to also post our video about PID (photo-ionisation detection). This is the technology of choice for monitoring exposure to toxic levels of another group of important gases – volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

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Training – the vital ingredient

Gas detection is a critical safety function in many industries, to protect people from harm and avoid costly plant disruption or damage. Not only must you use a suitable instrument for the task and the environment, but it must be used correctly and maintained properly if it is to fully serve its purpose.

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Gas Detection in Hades and on a mountain top

Gas detection is required under many different circumstances, and this has been highlighted to us recently in a couple of unusual examples.  Crowcon Gas-Pro has twice appeared on television in recent days, and in both cases, being used to ensure the safety of the presenters and camera crew. However, two very different stories were being told.

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The characteristics of flammable gas detection

We often get questions on flammable gases and whether we can detect them, therefore this week’s blog looks at some of the characteristics that are important to understand and know before you can consider if it can be detected.

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Crowcon have moved to bigger and improved premises!

Having outgrown our previous headquarters, we have now moved to a purpose-built facility in Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

The new facility became fully operational on Monday 18th August and provides a better training and product demonstration centre, enabling larger groups and an even stronger focus on customer training and awareness. As well as this, the new site provides upgraded facilities for provision of improved support service, device servicing and calibration, to meet increasing demand for our products well into the future.

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Chris’ simple guide to Gas Detection Communication Technology

The emergence of digital and communications technologies means much more information can be communicated to a control system, with the added benefit of reduced cabling costs. So, I thought it might be useful to provide an overview of the various technologies available.

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