Crowcon hours of business over the Christmas and New Year period

14 Dec 2017

As it draws to its close, we hope you’ve had an excellent 2017, and thank you for your custom and support during the year. It has certainly been successful and eventful. We are looking forward to more of the same in 2018 and wish the same for you.

Over the coming Christmas and New Year period, our hours of business reflect local custom and practice, so are different in different countries. We will be closed for business at the following times:


  • Abingdon, UK
    from  Friday 22nd Dec until Tuesday 2nd Jan
  • Rotterdam,  the Netherlands
    from Monday 25th Dec until Tuesday 2nd Jan
  • Dubai, UAE
    on Monday 25th Dec  and on Tuesday 2nd Jan
  • Mumbai, India
    on Monday 25th Dec until Monday 1st Jan
  • Singapore
    on Monday 25th Dec  and on Monday 1st Jan
  • Erlanger, USA
    on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th Dec  and on Monday 1st Jan

With warm seasons greetings to you!

From all at Crowcon