65th GASG Colloquium – Petrochemical Gas Detection

30 Jun 2016

On 14th July the Gas Analysis and Sensing Group, GASG, has been invited to Crowcon to present their 65th symposium on “Petrochemical Gas Detection”.

GASG are a group of manufacturers, users, research organisations and academic departments, all of whom are interested in gas detection and making it better.

Our Principal Scientist, Paul Basham, will be presenting on current trends in gas detection to the 45 delegates. This will be followed by a tour of our new manufacturing facility.

Previous meetings have been held at various universities, trade association premises and, for example, Portsmouth Dockyard, where the topic was gas detection in the marine environment.

We look forward to welcoming all GASG members on the 14th July.

Find our more about GASG here

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