Meet the team: Dominic Feeney – Portables Product Manager

I am Dominic Feeney, the Product manager sitting within the Marketing team at Crowcon and focusing specifically on our portables products and services.

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you all and explain where my role will fits into the business and also give some insight the man behind the role including past work experiences and personal interests and hobbies.

I joined Crowcon with over 15 years of global product management experience with a varied selection of big name consumer electronics and accessories FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) brands including but not limited to Pioneer plasma TV and DJ equipment, Sennheiser high-end German headphones and Luceco AV accessories/LED lighting.

My remit here at Crowcon is to be the voice of the customer within the business, making sure that our product strategy and all associated product related activities and NPD are aligned with our customers core needs and wants. I also have to analyse competitor activity & strategy to maintain our competitive edge. I have to take all of this information and use it to develop and shape the product road map making sure all short, mid and long term activity is customer focused and working towards strong commercial returns, but also integrates well with the broader company strategies and objectives.  

It’s a varied and involving job which see’s me interacting and working with all areas of the business. It’s great to work for such a solid company with fantastic products, a stellar reputation and a genuine opportunity to move into lucrative new areas.

My passions outside of the Crowcon world are my ever growing family, motoring, technology and golf.

I’m happily married, and father to three boys, Dylan 10, Zac 18 months and Charlie as the latest addition born just 2 weeks ago! Looking after the boys and keeping them entertained takes up the majority of my time.

When I do get some free time I am a keen motorist with a particular interest in all things BMW. I attend track days, BMW fan meet up’s and run a BMW specific Instagram page with a small but steadily increasing following.


I’m quite sporty and in my youth represented my local town in swimming and hockey, represented my county in indoor athletics at the national youth games and also made the Rugby first team at my secondary school the Windsor boys school.

Nowadays age, family commitments, time constraints and an ever decreasing fitness level have made me seek out new sporting pursuits. Golf is now my favourite pastime and most weekends you’ll find me out on the course hitting 9 or 18 holes or at the driving range or putting green attempting to improve my game –  often with limited success.

I’m addicted to gadgets. It all started when I got my first Nintendo back in the late 80’s and has grown from there. You will regularly find me pre-ordering or queueing outside of shops for midnight openings to get my hands on the latest and greatest phones, tablets, smartwatches and video games. I am the definition of early adaptor and a consumer marketers dream.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my article and I look forward to working with you in the future.