ERP Updates

We are excited to announce that we are in the final few months of a year-long programme to implement a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. This new system will deliver a multitude of benefits to our customers including; greater accuracy of delivery dates, cross region stock visibility, simplified access to pricing and a wider range of online product configurators. Throughout, the project’s focus has been to make us easier to do business with.
As we prepare for the implementation, we wanted to keep you informed of pivotal dates. We will also be combining our end of year stock-take with the ERP implementation and ask that you prepare your business in advance by scheduling requirements in advance, placing orders for delivery within March by the 16th of the same month.

Important Dates

  • 16th March:                 Last order date
  • 27th March:                 Last shipment date
  • 1st April:                      NEW ERP LIVE!
Our new ERP system will go live on the 1st of April and we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition. For a short period of time immediately post go live we will be extending our lead time by a couple of days as a precautionary measure.
Of course, these dates coincide with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (commonly known as BREXIT). As far as possible, we are putting plans into place to mitigate against the potential impact of a hard BREXIT (leaving the EU with No Deal in place & reverting to WTO trade rules).
We have been working with KPMG, leading consultants in this area, as we remain committed to ensuring that any potential changes to our trading relationship with the EU do not adversely impact you, particularly in relation to Duty & VAT. In the event of a no deal it is widely anticipated that there will be a short term impact on ports handling imports from the UK to mainland Europe. To help us manage our supply chain and delivery schedules, we would again ask you to help us by placing forward orders into April as soon as possible to ensure we are able to react to ongoing requirements.
Thank you for your custom over the last year, we are looking forward to delivering the benefits of our new system to our customer base. We will keep you updated with progress over the coming months and thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.