What does your gas detector really cost?

There are many things to consider when selecting the best gas detector, and cost is not the least of them.  But how many of you consider total cost of ownership?

Once the desired specification has been determined, there are likely to be a number of detectors, available over a range of purchase prices, that come close enough to meeting that spec to be considered.  But the purchase price is not the only cost associated with owning a gas detector.  There are also on-going costs of maintenance, which can be significant over the life-time of a unit.

So, other than purchase price, what kinds of things should be considered when thinking about cost of ownership?

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World Water Day 2015

With World Water Day upon us on March 22nd, we are reminded of its importance and how water links to all areas of life, from personal health through to commercial use. Clean water, and the ability to treat it, is essential to maintaining and improving life. So how do we do our bit to help? Continue reading “World Water Day 2015”

Confined spaces still deadly places

 Despite the significant amount that has been published about the dangers of confined space entry, recent evidence in the news suggests that people still do not fully understand the risks or take appropriate precautions. In the news this week, Dorset farm owner has been fined for serious safety failings after one of his workers died following exposure to toxic gases escaping from a tank during tank maintenance.

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Are silicone implants degrading your gas detection?

In gas detection terms, pellistors have been the primary technology for detecting flammable gases since the 60s.  In most circumstances, with correct maintenance, pellistors are a reliable, cost-effective means of monitoring for combustible levels of flammable gases.  However, there circumstances under which this technology may not be the best choice, and infrared (IR) technology should be considered instead.

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Gas Detection in Hades and on a mountain top

Gas detection is required under many different circumstances, and this has been highlighted to us recently in a couple of unusual examples.  Crowcon Gas-Pro has twice appeared on television in recent days, and in both cases, being used to ensure the safety of the presenters and camera crew. However, two very different stories were being told.

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