Limiting your exposure

Reducing time exposed to hazards is key to minimising risk. We review some of the multiple benefits that developments in gas detection technology are introducing, to reduce the amount of time operators must spend in hazardous areas and improve worker safety.

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Oxygen factoids – what you need to know

As part of our commitment to sharing our knowledge and expertise of gas detection safety around the world, we have created a series of short and to-the-point “factoid” videos, covering a variety of gas-related hazards. As with all our videos, they are intended to be watched, downloaded and/or shared however helps you. Please use them to spread the word and improve gas detection safety.

This first video focuses on risks associated with either too little or too much oxygen (O2).

Continue reading “Oxygen factoids – what you need to know”

15 volcanoes. 6 Scientists. 1 Land Rover. 6 Gas Detectors.

When I was contacted by one of our sister companies’ requesting support for a research team, I was immediately struck by the extreme nature of the ‘Trail by Fire’ project. A small team of roving volcanologists is aiming to provide the first accurate and large-scale estimate of the flux of a number of volatile gas species. Keeping this team safe in their work became a priority and I am proud to announce that Crowcon is supporting this young group of researchers working along the Nazca subduction zone in South America. Continue reading “15 volcanoes. 6 Scientists. 1 Land Rover. 6 Gas Detectors.”

Accurate monitoring of exposure to toxic gases using TWA

Unique to T4, the TWA Resume function ensures toxic gas exposure is calculated accurately over an entire shift, even if T4 is switched off for a break or during travel to another site.

When most portable detectors are turned off, the algorithm that assesses TWA exposure assumes that it’s the end of the shift. When turned on again, these detectors act as if it is a new work shift, ignoring all previous measurements. The TWA Resume function however, provides the option to include previous measurements from within the correct time frame.

Crowcon recognised at the Educational Partnership Award

Last night we were excited to be finalists for the Educational Partnership Award at the inaugural Engineering Manufacturing and Innovation Awards by Cotswold Life Business & Professional magazine…

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National Women in Engineering Day

For National Women in Engineering Day this year we have asked the newest member of our Technical Support team, Jackie Marsh, to tell us about her role here at Crowcon and her views on the importance of encouraging more women to get into engineering.

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Flammable gas IR sensors – how they work

Here is our final video in the series illustrating the working of hydrocarbon gas detecting sensors. This time, we show the basic mode of operation of an infrared (IR) sensor for flammable gases.

Infrared emitters within the sensor each generate beams of IR light . Each beam is of equal intensity and is deflected by a mirror within the sensor on to a photo-receiver, which measures the level of IR received. The “measuring” beam, with a frequency of around 3.3μm, is absorbed by hydrocarbon gas molecules, so the beam intensity is reduced . The “reference” beam (around 3.0μm) is not absorbed, so arrives at the receiver at full strength. The %LEL of gas present is determined by the difference in intensity between the beams measured by the photo-receiver.

Continue reading “Flammable gas IR sensors – how they work”

Do you give a STEL about your TWA?

By answering this short survey on use of alarms on your portable gas detection device, it will help us improve our training materials, as well as our communication generally. We would very much appreciate your input, It takes less than two minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.

Click here to take the survey.

If you would like further information on exposure limits, please take a look at our blog entry from 21st August 2014.

Apprenticeship Launchpad

Oapprenticeship Launchpadxfordshire County Council have worked closely with employers in the south of the county to build closer links with schools and encourage young people to think about apprenticeships  as an alternative route into careers which may traditionally have involved full time study at university. Crowcon have been delighted to be part of this initiative for the last 3 years, educating and inspiring over 100 pupils aged 14/15. Continue reading “Apprenticeship Launchpad”

Detecting VOCs with PID – how it works

Having recently shared our video on pellistors and how they work, we thought it would make sense to also post our video about PID (photo-ionisation detection). This is the technology of choice for monitoring exposure to toxic levels of another group of important gases – volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Continue reading “Detecting VOCs with PID – how it works”