Celebrating 45 years of Gas Detection with photography!

Yes that’s right – Crowcon is another year wiser making our business 45 years old. From the humble beginning of gas engineers wanting to improve the safety of their workplace, to today, where our detectors are used in 100’s of applications across tens of thousands of sites worldwide, one thing remains; our focus on Saving Lives!

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Detecting Gas, Saving Lives: in the Steel Industry

Many hazards in the steel industry seem obvious, however following a recent audit, the World Steel Association is holding its second “Steel Safety Day” on 28th April to highlight the invisible hazards that present very real risks in today’s steel processing industry. Among the five key areas under the spotlight is “gas and asphyxiation”. We think World Steel Day is a terrific initiative and want to do our bit to spread the word.

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Onshore oil not new, but is it the future?

The onshore oil industry is often overlooked and the latest news that there could be up to 100 billion barrels of oil beneath the South of England has surprised many. However, on-shore production is more prevalent worldwide than people realise.

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World Water Day 2015

With World Water Day upon us on March 22nd, we are reminded of its importance and how water links to all areas of life, from personal health through to commercial use. Clean water, and the ability to treat it, is essential to maintaining and improving life. So how do we do our bit to help? Continue reading “World Water Day 2015”

Revised Confined Space Regulations published by Health & Safety Executive

The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has recently revised its Confined Space Regulations ‘Approved Code of Practice’ document, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to review the guidance in relation to gas detection.

The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) provides practical advice on how you can comply with the requirements of the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.

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Monitoring and analysis of landfill gases

As recycling becomes more common, use of landfill is reducing, but it is still an important means of waste disposal. For example, 2012-13 figures from Defra (department of the environment, food and rural affairs) for England show that 8.51 million tonnes, or 33.9%, of waste collected by local authorities went to landfill.

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How best to study cow burps?

We have covered some serious subjects over the past few weeks, so I thought this time I would talk about something a little bit more light-hearted, at least on the face of it.

Back in January of this year, there were reports from Germany of an explosion – a herd of cows nearly took the roof off their barn because of the amount of methane they were releasing, when a static electric charge caused it to explode. The blast damaged the roof of the barn and one cow (out of about 90) received minor burns.

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The Health & Safety at Work Act is celebrating 40 strong years

By Louise Early, Strategic Industry Manager

Protecting millions of British workers and reducing incidents of occupational death, serious injury and ill health, The Health & Safety at Work Act is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health & safety in Britain.

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Chris’ simple guide to Gas Detection Communication Technology

The emergence of digital and communications technologies means much more information can be communicated to a control system, with the added benefit of reduced cabling costs. So, I thought it might be useful to provide an overview of the various technologies available.

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