Crowcon receive ISO 14001 accreditation!

11 Dec 2014

Crowcon has recently achieved ISO 14001 certification. A first for us, and an achievement that will show our commitment to helping the environment.

Our guest blogger this week, Lucy, explains the importance of looking after our environment and what ISO14001 means in terms of working as a business.

We hear about “the environment” nearly every day. Whether it’s about waste, energy, or climate change, everybody seems to be “going green”.

What does the environment mean to Crowcon?

The definition of the environment is “everything that surrounds us, everything made of the water, the air or the land, including ourselves.” The environment consists of land, air, water – and people. Everything we make or do affects the environment and this is particularly the case while we are at work.

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that outlines how to put an effective environmental management system in place. It is designed to help businesses remain successful without overlooking environmental responsibilities and it can also help to grow while reducing the environmental impact. An ISO 14001 system provides the framework to allow a business to meet increasingly high customer expectations of corporate responsibility as well as legal or regulatory requirements.

What are the benefits of ISO 14001?

  • Identification of cost savings with greater emphasis on resource, waste and energy management
  • Monitoring and control of the impact of our operations on the environment, now and in the future
  • Legislative awareness and compliance
  • Improved environmental performance
  • Reduction in consumption of energy and materials

By completing ISO 14001 certification we can assure our stakeholders that our environmental management system (EMS) meets international industry specific environmental standards.

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