Crowcon recognised at the Educational Partnership Award

18 Sep 2015

Last night we were excited to be finalists for the Educational Partnership Award at the inaugural Engineering Manufacturing and Innovation Awards by Cotswold Life Business & Professional magazine…

Our party included our Managing Director, Mike Ophield as well as three of our engineering apprentices and one of our graduate engineers, and we were pleased to be joined by representatives from Abingdon & Witney College. As our local apprenticeship provider, this year we are delighted that the college is supporting us with a bespoke programme which will enable 9 existing employees to complete a Level 2 Apprenticeship ‘Improving Operational Performance’ which includes Level 2 BTech in Engineering.

Following an engaging keynote speech from Professor Lord Bhattacharyya which emphasised the continuing importance of manufacturing to the British economy, and a delicious meal, the atmosphere at Cheltenham Town Hall was buzzing by the time the awards were announced, by former BBC Apprentice winner, Lee McQueen.

We were all very proud to fly the flag for SMEs by being in contention. Encouraging young people to pursue a career in engineering will continue to be an important part of our pro-active approach to talent management, alongside enriching our future workforce via apprenticeships and a wide range of other development activities.

Congratulations to the winners, Renishaw plc. For our part, we will keep up the good work and hope to go one better next year.

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